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Sep 16, 2022
Adventures in the Dark Side
COMING SOON! The Cherry Pie Paradox audiobook and workbook will be available by 9/30. Meanwhile, take a peek at your hidden selves.

Aug 23, 2022
To those who ovulate every month
Joy Overstreet and Christel Allen of Pro-Choice Oregon at an abortion justice event in Portland.

Aug 5, 2022
Fun with Mindful Eating
Mindful eating is as close as your next meal, but a lot takes place in your head--your mental yama-yama. Have a listen.

May 23, 2022
The best testimonial ever!
Geneen Roth recommends The Cherry Pie Paradox, because Thin Within changed her life (and the book is about the Thin Within process).

Feb 12, 2022
When is enough enough?
There's a limit to how much more humans can do (daring maneuvers, speed, stuff, food, time, etc). Let's focus on better instead of more.

Nov 11, 2021
"What's a 'Grabby' Feeling?"
People experience "hunger" in many different ways, not just signals from the stomach. It can be a tension in your arms & hands...

Nov 4, 2021
Does Thinking Make it So?
When you think of yourself as "someone with a weight problem," you behave that way, and the problem persists. Time to flip that self-image.

Aug 27, 2021
Cherry Pie Paradox is REAL!
After 40 years procrastinating and 3+ years writing, I hold the physical book in my hands. It's not just a reality, it's a thing of...

Apr 29, 2021
A case of mistaken (or under-fed) identity
Perhaps you know the parable of the Cherokee chief who was teaching his grandson about life: “A fight is going on inside me,” he told the...

Apr 25, 2021
Attention! Are you present?
Science tells us that most of have our heads elsewhere about half the time. Here are some exercises to test yourself.

Apr 8, 2021
When you're stressed, what's your solution?
Eating is not the answer to stress. Consider leaning in instead--starting with curiosity.

Mar 10, 2021
Trying to love kale
Lessons From a Bowl of Kale Most cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, broccoli, radishes, arugula, Brussels sprouts, collards) are delicious...

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